A Walk Through Time. Sun 18 July
Join Archaeologist and Pre-historian Wendy Morrison on a walk through 8000 years of human activity in a chalk stream valley and see what humans have made of the landscape.
We’ll be hearing from Wendy as we walk from the Iron Age enclosure at the Aubreys near Redbourn along the ridgeline but taking in the Rivers Red & Ver before entering the Roman city of Verulamium via the permissive path on Gorhambury. It’s an easy walk of about 5 miles on footpaths across farmland, the occasional country lane and a short stretch on Watling Street.
FULLY BOOKED. To sign up please email johnp@riverver.co.uk
Meet and park at the Aubrey Park hotel for a 10.30am start. Please park in the main car park to the left of the main drive or in the overflow car park to the rear right of the hotel.
We are assembling by the outdoor seating to the right of the hotel buildings.
We will finish the walk in the car park by the Museum in Verulamium. It’s a linear walk, so if you are able to dropped off at the beginning and collected at the end that would be useful.
It is possible to leave cars at Verulamium car park (£3.80 all day) if that helps your planning. We will have cars available to transport a few people back to the Aubrey Park Hotel which COVID-19 guidance allows (please bring a mask). If there is room at the inn, we are likely to take light refreshments in the tented garden of the Six Bells in St Michael’s Street at the end of the walk.
There is no charge for the walk – if you are a non-member we only ask that you consider joining the Society, from £7 a year.
A risk assessment will be posted here before the walk.