AGM Thurs 21 Oct
Thursday 21st October 7pm. To get us back in line with the Society’s constitution, it’s two AGMs in one year! The evening will feature reports from the Chairman and Officers with plenty of opportunity for questions and answers.
Book your place at the virtual AGM by using this link in advance:

One of the most exciting events of 2021 has been the reintroduction of water voles to the Ver. Topically, our guest speaker will be Josh Kalms, HMWT Water Vole Officer who will not only give us an update on the reintroduction but share some of the fascinating footage that’s been captured on the project’s trailcams – not only water voles of course, but some other rare and surprising creatures too!
As per the Society’s constitution “at each Annual General Meeting the Officers and Executive Committee shall retire but may be eligible for re-election. Nominations are invited. These should reach the Secretary, Joe Randall, by Thursday 14th October. Proposer and seconders will be required.