An Enemy of the People by Henrik Ibsen – a Ver Valley Society special performance
at the Abbey Theatre, St Albans on Thursday, 15th May, 7:30 – 10:15pm. (Tickets £15 plus booking fee)
This is the BIG ONE! There will be a special performance of this topical play with receipts going to support the Society’s River Ver water testing programme (each accredited laboratory test costs us almost £200). Please come along and bring your friends. It’ll be a great VVS social occasion. The bar will be open during the interval and afterwards until 11pm.
Political intrigue, PR spin, whistle-blowing and divided opinions, all over poor water quality – the storyline couldn’t be more apt!
Please don’t delay, book your tickets today. Book here: Ticket Information

HENRIK IBSEN’S AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE; a version by Rebecca Lenkiawicz from a literal translation by Charlotte Barslund. A COMPANY OF TEN production
In this contemporary take on Ibsen’s play, Dr Teresa Stockmann, a passionate and dedicated medical officer, discovers that the town’s famed spa water is contaminated. Initially celebrated for revealing the truth to the community, Teresa soon faces fierce opposition from her brother, the mayor and other influential townsfolk who put money ahead of public health.
It’s an emotive topic and apparently some swearing should be expected.